截至3月底, 我们已经开始接收FAFSA数据. We are currently working on getting offers ready 和 we are committed to sharing your financial aid offer as soon as possible. 谢谢您的耐心等待. 了解更多关于FAFSA的最新变化.

NOTE: The FAFSA form is currently available for short periods of time while they monitor site performance 和 update the form to provide you with a better experience.

FAFSA是联邦学生援助的免费申请. This form assesses a student’s financial need 和 is what the Office of 金融援助 uses to offer students federal loans, 奖助金, 和勤工助学.


  1. 适用于bet36365体育
  2. studentaid.政府 并创建一个由用户名和密码组成的FSA ID. 如果你是受抚养人, 您和您的父母或监护人都需要创建单独的FSA ID. Save your username 和 password as you will use them every year to submit your FAFSA. 首先,点击屏幕右上角的“创建帐户”. 如果家庭成员没有社会安全号码, 他们仍然可以完成创建FSA ID的过程. 创建一个没有社会安全号码的FSA ID的说明可以在 英语 和 西班牙语.
  3. 在“FAFSA表格”下,选择“完成FAFSA表格”开始.
  4. 在学校选择部分列出bet36365体育(学校代码:002551).
  5. 如果符合条件,使用美国国税局数据检索工具上传您的财务信息. 如果你不能做到这一点, you will need to manually enter tax return information from two years prior to the FAFSA year.
  6. 签署并提交你的FAFSA表格. 如果你是受抚养人, both you 和 your parent(s) or guardian(s) will need to sign the FAFSA with your own separate FSA IDs.
  7. 检查你的 MyBLUE 以备不时之需 提交额外的文件.
  8. 一旦你被bet36365体育录取,你的FAFSA流程就完成了, 您将通过纸质邮件和电子邮件收到bet36365体育的经济援助报价. 你也可以在你的 MyBLUE 账户.


For the 2024-2025 offer year, the FAFSA will be available December 2023 through June 30, 2024. You (和 your parent when applicable) will report income 和 tax information from tax year 2022. Important Note: The 2024-2025 FAFSA is currently undergoing changes called the FAFSA Simplification Act. 了解更多关于即将到来的变化.

For the 2023-2024 offer year, the FAFSA will be available October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. You (和 your parent when applicable) will report income 和 tax information from tax year 2021.